Bryaceae | Tree-like | Pinnate | Irregular |
Erect | Prostrate | Red shoots | Substrate | Habitat |
Bryum argenteum |
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Paving, roadsides, roofs and wall-tops | Man-made environments and by gull colonies |
Bryum pseudotriquetrum |
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Wet ground, cliff ledges | Bogs, marshes and by springs |
Bartramiaceae | Tree-like | Pinnate | Irregular |
Erect | Prostrate | Red shoots | Substrate | Habitat |
Philonotis fontana |
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Acidic to neutral ground | Flushes in uplands, springs and bogs |
Orthotrichaceae | Tree-like | Pinnate | Irregular |
Erect | Prostrate | Red shoots | Substrate | Habitat |
Orthotrichum rivulare |
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Climaciaceae | Tree-like | Pinnate | Irregular |
Erect | Prostrate | Red shoots | Substrate | Habitat |
Climacium dendroides |
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Amblystegiaceae | Tree-like | Pinnate | Irregular |
Erect | Prostrate | Red shoots | Substrate | Habitat |
Calliergon giganteum |
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Calliergonella cuspidata |
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Cratoneuron filicinum |
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Calliergonaceae | Tree-like | Pinnate | Irregular |
Erect | Prostrate | Red shoots | Substrate | Habitat |
Warnstorfia fluitans |
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Thuidiaceae | Tree-like | Pinnate | Irregular |
Erect | Prostrate | Red shoots | Substrate | Habitat |
Thuidium tamariscinum |
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Brachytheciaceae | Tree-like | Pinnate | Irregular |
Erect | Prostrate | Red shoots | Substrate | Habitat |
Kindbergia praelonga |
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Pseudoscleropodium purum |
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Hypnaceae | Tree-like | Pinnate | Irregular |
Erect | Prostrate | Red shoots | Substrate | Habitat |
Hypnum cupressiforme |
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Hypnum jutlandicum |
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Hylocomiaceae | Tree-like | Pinnate | Irregular |
Erect | Prostrate | Red shoots | Substrate | Habitat |
Ctenidium molluscum |
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Hylocomium splendens |
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Pleurozium schreberi |
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Rhytidiadelphus loreus |
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Rhytidiadelphus triquetris |
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Plagiotheciaceae | Tree-like | Pinnate | Irregular |
Erect | Prostrate | Red shoots | Substrate | Habitat |
Plagiothecium undulatum |
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Leucodontaceae | Tree-like | Pinnate | Irregular |
Erect | Prostrate | Red shoots | Substrate | Habitat |
Leucodon sciuroides |
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Pterygonium gracile |
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Neckeraceae | Tree-like | Pinnate | Irregular |
Erect | Prostrate | Red shoots | Substrate | Habitat |
Thamnobryum alopecurum |
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