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Moss characters
Bryopsida species by details of the leaves
FunariaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Funaria hygrometrica
Bare soilWoods, gardens
GrimmiaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Grimmia laevigata
Racomitrium fasciculare
Siliceous rocksUplands
Racomitrium heterostichum
Siliceous rocksUplands
Racomitrium lanuginosum
Rock, peatHeaths, uplands
Schistidium rivulare
FissidentaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Fissidens bryoides
Soil, decaying wood
Fissidens dubius
DitrichaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Ceratodon purpureus
Soil, wall-tops, rotten woodUbiquitous
RhabdoweisiaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Dicranoweisia cirrata
Trees, wooden postsEspecially common in lowlands
DicranaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Dichodontium palustre
Peat, wet moors, dripping acidic rock facesWet moors and uplands in the north-west of the United Kingdom
LeucobryaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
PottiaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Barbula unguiculata
Soil, stony groundBanks, fallow fields, wall crevices
Barbula sardoa
Gyroweisia tenuis
Rock slabs, mainly limestone
Syntrichia ruralis
Sand dunes and calcareous sandMainly coastal.
Syntrichia laevipila
Tree trunks and limbsPrefers dry sites
Tortula muralis
Brick and stone wallsCommon in towns
Trichostomum brachydontium
On rock including wall-tops, sometimes bare soilMainly western coastal districts
SplachnaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Tetraplodon mnioides
Well-decayed sheep bone fragmentsMountainous districts
BryaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Bryum alpinum
Rocks, trees, fencesLowlands and mountains
Bryum argenteum
Rocks, trees, fencesLowlands and mountains
Bryum capillare
Rocks, trees, fencesLowlands and mountains
Bryum pallens
Rocks, trees, fencesLowlands and mountains
Bryum pseudotriquetrum
Wet ground, cliff ledgesBogs, marshes and by springs
MniaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Pohlia melanodon
Pohlia wahlenbergia
Mnium hornum
Humus, peat, rotten wood, rock ledgesVaried including Beech woods and grassy areas near the sea
Plagiomnium ellipticum
Soil and soil-covered rocks; neutral to base-richShady places in woods, banks and rock crevices; also bogs
Rhizomnium punctatum
Wet, stony streambanks, deep rock clefts, decaying tree stumps and logsShady, damp rocky areas and woodlands
BartramiaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Bartramia pomiformis
Sand and rocks; calcifugeSandy banks in lowlands; rocks in mountainous districts
Philonotis fontana
Acidic to neutral groundFlushes in uplands, springs and bogs
OrthotrichaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Orthotrichum diaphanum
Trees, fences, roadside pavments, wall-topsFlourishes in towns
Ulota bruchii
Ulota phyllantha
HedwigiaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Hedwigia stellata
AulacomniaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Aulacomnium androgynum
Aulacomnium palustre
ClimaciaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Climacium dendroides
AmblystegiaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Calliergonella cuspidata
Palustriella commutata
ThuidiaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Thuidium tamariscinum
BrachytheciaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Brachythecium albicans
Brachythecium populeum
Brachythecium rutabulum
Eurhynchium striatum
Kindbergia praelonga
Pseudoscleropodium purum
Rhynchostegium confertum
HypnaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Hypnum cupressiforme
Hypnum jutlandicum
HylocomiaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Ctenidium molluscum
Hylocomium splendens
Pleurozium schreberi
Rhytidiadelphus loreus
Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus
Rhytidiadelphus triquetris
PlagiotheciaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Plagiothecium undulatum
LeucodontaceaeHairpointRecurved ExcurrentPercurrentNear tip½ to ¾¼DoubleNo costaSubstrateHabitat
Leucodon sciuroides
Pterygonium gracile
Details of the leaves table
    The moss line
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